Holen Sie sich einen kostenlosen individuellen 3D-Design- und Bauplan für Ihr Projekt!

Sehen Sie, wie Ihr Projekt aussehen wird, aber vereinbaren Sie jetzt einen Videoanruf mit unserem Designer! Wir benötigen lediglich Ihre Maße.

Buchen Sie ein virtuelles Designtreffen

Eine weitere Möglichkeit besteht darin, Ihre Projektabmessungen HIER zu senden und wir senden Ihnen die Entwürfe und Pläne per E-Mail zurück.

Get a 3D Design of Your Project

We don't need a blueprint, just a quick sketch as you see here below. Then we will provide you with a full 3D design so that you can see what your project will look like! Just draw out your project on a piece of paper. We just need where the house is, and the measurement of each side. Include any step information. Then just take a photo of that sketch with your phone to upload below.

Upload Your drawings*

Now upload the photo of your drawing. Or, if you have, you can also upload your design, blueprint, pdf, or cad drawings.

We just need a bit of information about you so we can send you the final design and costs of your project!

Upload photos

It is helpful if we can see what you are seeing. If you could take a couple photos of your house & yard, where the project will be built/rebuilt so that we can visualize the space. Please stand as far back as possible when taking the photos.

Is your project Indoors or Outdoors?

What type of project are you doing?

Do you want the frame/underside to be waterproof?

Which collection would you prefer?

Based on your selections, we would suggest using our Appalachian Collection.

Appalachian Main Color Selection

Anything to Add?

Please write out any information that might help the designer create your project model.